Tuesday 26 May 2015

Education - May 26th

How was today`s TED Talk? Post your comments below please.


  1. Today's speaker speaks his experience a lot, so it was fun for me.
    He has british acccent(maybe), so it's good practice to listen to various accent English.

  2. The contents of this TED talk was interesting but the speaker were talking so fast that I was hardly underatood the story without subtitles.

  3. It's interesting talk for me. As we grow we are frightend of making mistakes. However it's imporatant to try something without being afraid of being wrong.

  4. It was really interesting for me. I think all kids have wonderful talents as he said and edcation should mean to make them developed. When I have kids, I want to make their abilities developed fully!

  5. That's an interesting topic but it's difficult for me to listen and understand because it's so much long and a lot of jokes.
    However, I noticed that there are many things not to learn in public education such as creativity. I think that an action is the most important to grow up creativities.

  6. I agree with his opinion. Because creativity subjects like art are important as literacy. So I think Japanese government should rethink the fundamental principals for the next generatinion of people.

  7. I think Japanese education is boring.Children'imagination is wonderful.I think people have to learn various fields of things in elementary school and junior high school.

    This TED talk was a little difficult.

  8. I sympathized with his opinion very much. There was Jonas Salk's word "If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within 50 years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish." I sympathized with those words.

  9. Education is important thing for us to get knowledges. However, this operates people to conventional style of thinking. So I think speaker's opinion is great. Human's creativity is important for future.
    Mei MIyamoto
